An author and artist that we have recently connected with (and then became utterly fascinated with!) is Mindi Meltz. I was originally enthused to learn more about Mindi’s Animal Wisdom Cards upon hearing of them, and whilst delving into her website and our correspondences, I found so much more to be discovered. I must say, she embodies a certain depth, beauty, and a captivating insight that I found to be ubiquitously one of a kind.
Her Animal Wisdom Cards are all uniquely individualized for each person. She starts with a few questions and correspondences, then she allows some time to process it all and create personalized cards to help guide you on your specific journey.
Mindi describes them beautifully by stating that, “The animal wisdom on the back of each card is worded for you, to mirror your personal story, and can be used for inspiration, divination, and insight into life situations.” Needless to say, we are elated to try out our own personal set of cards, which she has been graciously working on! -Hooray!
About the Artist:

“I write epic, healing fairy tales for adults (two published novels, Lonely in the Heart of the World and Beauty, and a trilogy in the works). I grew up on the moody coast of Maine and now live in an off-grid home with my husband, cat, and goats in the mountains of Bat Cave, NC.
I am fascinated by dreams and by our lives as waking dreams, in which we are the heroes of our own mythical stories. The animal wisdom I put into my Customized Animal Wisdom Cards comes from lifelong connections with animals, a bit of biology fieldwork, dreams, waking dream-journeys with animal spirits, and the inspirations and intuitions of my clients whose personal life experiences with particular animals help expand my own understanding.
I hold an MA in Transpersonal Psychology, and my counseling experience supports a love of listening–I love the beauty of hearing how people’s growth-stories unfold, and reflecting their own beauty back to them in a supportive, nonjudgmental way. I put a lot of love into my Animal Wisdom Cards, both for people and animals, and my aim is not to label each animal with just a narrow symbolic meaning, but rather–as with all my writing–to deepen our empathy with other beings, and to encourage reconnection, wholeness, and empowerment by poeticizing how nature can mirror our souls.” -Mindi
On a personal level, within each facet that I learned about Mindi, I gained a deeper respect for her heart, her wisdom to be shared, and her journey in total. We are overjoyed to have her at The Faerie and Labyrinth Festival, April 14th, 2018 at the Otto Labyrinth and Mountain Valley Center in Otto, NC and you can be sure to see her at one of The The Goddess Gatherings that we hold here one day…I just Know It! Ha!
Thank you Mindi, for your talents, your passion, and all of your hard work to get you where you are today. It has been more than a pleasure getting to know you! To find out more about Mindi, please connect via her website at: