A Celebration of Culture, History, Art, & Womanhood.

The heart behind each Goddess Gathering is to create a loving space for women to come together, learn, and have fun- no matter what their belief system. Together we celebrate life and each other by sharing our cultures, folklore, art, mythologies, indigenous traditions and storytelling, primal skills, passions, life experiences, and mainly, our hearts! These events are raw, authentic, unfiltered, unadulterated, & we get down to our true selves while supporting one another. We are enjoyably laid back for these particular events with valid reasoning- mainly, so we can really get to know each other authentically as ourselves.
There is a structure to the weekend, but we also like to flow, leaving opportunity for connection and spontaneity. You may attend as many or as few of the activities you like, honor your time! This is a judgement free zone, and we have a tribal sisterhood built on trust, love, and a mutual respect for each other’s lives, businesses, and paths. Each gathering has a unique design with a different theme and varying teachers and workshops – so you never know what you’re gonna get! And we love that!
Some of these workshops include:

-Multicultural Goddess History
-Psychology & Archetypal Applications
-Primal Skills (Art, Tools, & Survival Skills)
-Yoga, Meditation & Stress Reduction
-Natural Arts & Crafts (wreaths, dreamcatchers, smudge fans, tinctures, pottery, natural dolls, we make lots of different things at these!)
-Cultural Dance, Singing, & Storytelling
-Instrument Making (both musical and spiritual)
-Drum Circles & Bonfires
-And many more amazing things!

If you are experienced in an area and have something on your heart you’d like to share- Let’s do this! From African goddess jewelry making and Appalachian rabbit fur purses to Norse divination runes, tarot card readings, and Peruvian ocarina building- you name it, we’d love to have you share your skill! New to teaching and want to get more experience in sharing your passion? Fantastic! This is such a fun and encouraging environment to get your teaching-sea-legs a little stronger.
Ticket options:
We offer three options for tickets. Single Tickets, for those coming on their own, Two Tickets: Bring a Friend Discount where both ladies save money, and also Group Rate tickets where prices vary depending on group size.
So ladies, we invite you to come with open minds, non dogmatic, hearts, & free spirits, while we search for spiritual truth in our own journeys! Together we learn about indigenous & archaic cultures all over the world and how they lived, their practices, their gods, their beliefs, & we break fear off of the unknown by sharing collective wisdom. We are the connecting bridges of light!
This event is held at our funky family friendly farm and Holistic Bed & Breakfast deep in the woods of Lakemont GA, called Archaic Roots Monolithic Dome Home & Farm. A peaceful and free spirited 3.4 acre healing forest, packed full with multi-cultural fun! Feel free to play some of our indigenous instruments, build a faerie home in the woods, snuggle up with one of our therapeutic bunnies, or even find a fire-pit or outdoor altar that’s calling your name, and go relax by it- there’s plenty to explore and do around here! Camping on the grounds is free and indoor accommodations are available upon request or through Airbnb on the links below. We also allow some folks to sleep Thai Slumber Style inside the dome in common areas for donation based, just bring sleeping gear or an air mattress, and we’ll make room! The dome is two levels and there’s lots of space.
All food is done as “Bring & Share,” where we all bring a little something and make magic happen in the kitchen or over the fire! If you have dietary restrictions you are more than welcome to bring your own private food supply. Anything is fine to bring, it never fails! This builds a really fun connection We will also email a list of Bring & Share Suggestions in your registration email to make it easier. Can’t wait to connect!
Airbnb Links for our Guest Room and Primitive Artist Cabin
See you in the woods!
William and Amy