Welcome to The Farside Bunny Ranch & Rescue!
As homesteaders, we like to be as self sustainable as possible, and one of my favorite ways is Rabbitry. They can help your homestead in so many ways, and they are the sweetest things to have around!
We are specific lineage breeders for an endangered rabbit (on the borderline of extinction list) called the Silver Fox, and it’s quite honoring raising them. They are one of a kind! But then I also fell in love with rescue bunnies of all breeds that were coming in, and we expanded into a rescue with 30 rabbits. What can I say? We are total suckers for animals!

(Rabbitry is a whole lot of work, but so incredibly rewarding! These wonderful little fluffy weirdos not only make the best pets, but they will revolutionize your garden! That’s right. Their poop is my garden GOLD, they give us so much glorious soil, and their waste also feeds our Vermiculture Farm (Worm Farm, which are also our soil builders.) It has helped me break my addiction to the Home Depot garden section. Not kidding.
Another fun way they can be utilized is their wool. We raise another specific rabbit which is bred for wool called the Angora. Our mother Angora is named “Sheila Na Gig,” (Ms. Sheila for short). She is an absolute wild child and lives up to the archetypal goddess she is named after. This gal loves to lounge around the house, roam the property with us, hang out in the gardens, or just sprawl out in the shade with the dogs. She thinks she is a dog herself and it never afraid to let you know if she wants something. She just so happens to create the most beautiful babies Ever. #gosheila

Some rabbits can be trained as Therapeutic Rabbits, which are either trained to live in the home with you, litter trained, easy to handle, and little lovers of love. And some are perfectly happy just hanging on their own and don’t love to be the center of attention. Both kinds are great, I have lots of each! Some like to be picked up, some just prefer to be pet and nose nuzzled. Some want to play in our house all day, some prefer their own cage.
I’m a degreed counselor who loves to study both human and animal behavior, (it’s more of an obsession to be honest.) Rabbits show you just how similar we all really are! Our matriarch Silver Fox named Yaya Tunde even has her own blog on her perspectives of humanity and their behavior. She is quite insightful! Yaya has been with me through thick and thin and is another rabbit-dog. She does not want to play with any other bunnies but could hang with humans, cats, and dogs all day long.

We teach Homesteading and Rabbity workshops Some of our bunnies are little community workers and love to volunteer at schools! If you would ever be interested in hav