Cultural Immersion Retreats are continuing education courses designed to bring awareness and recognition to cultures all over the world. We are researchers, teachers, curriculum writers, social justice activists, ministers, multi-cultural networkers, and compilers who build bridges within communities to break stigmas off of the things unknown. We also turn these courses into fun and educational retreats where we dive head first into cultures and their arts!
We believe that the whole world is connected by history, philosophy, proverbs and stories, artistic expression, musical instruments, indigenous art, spirituality, stories of creation, mythology, emotion, societal conflicts, and so much more. Our desire is to find the cultural threads that weave themselves throughout the history of the world and to present them in a non-biased way to those who are intrigued.
We do not teach specific ceremony here at these immersions, unless it is an event designated for ceremony and ritual with indigenous practitioners leading the specific rights. We are networked with Indigenous societies, universities, multi-religious leaders, ritualistic practitioners, and spiritual advisers who can take you deeper into your desired path of study. We prefer to be the bridges between the worlds and just share the parts that we study and lead others to reputable sources we are linked with within the indigenous community to go deeper into their spirituality or questions they have.
I (Amy) have chosen at this point in my life to teach as non biased as possible when it comes to searching for, and teaching on the Creator multi-culturally. I try and teach everyone’s point of view from across the world. I am also an obsessive researcher and spent almost a decade going to seminary, International Leadership College in Australia, studying psychology and obtaining counseling degrees, working for churches and social justice programs, diving into other worldviews and religious studies, compiling research, and trying to build bridges in religions and cultures.
When I previously lived in Australia and experienced the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. I was into social justice work at the time studying at an International Leadership College studying religion and got to work with some Indigenous people as well as those under amnesty which was mainly African and Middle Eastern. Being exposed to survivors of genocide, sex trafficking, and crimes against humanity will make you think. There is suffering and persecution all over the world, and mainly for the same reasons- money and power. Sometimes it is for the regions’ precious elements on their land, other times it is for a religious takeover, either way, it is excruciating to watch. Our heart is to share people’s stories across the world, their overcomings, and their culture.
William, is Indigenous Taino, closely related to Mayan culture who is a traditional Taino practitioner. He also teaches Indigenous instrument building from all over the world to bridge cultures through music. His heritage is rooted in Cuba and Guatemala with ties and interests in Santeria and other ways of the old. He is very passionate about cultural freedom and making truth known about oppression, especially for the North and South American First Nations People. An artist, stone worker, sacred tool maker and more, William is your right hand man at retreats for the instrument building & arts. We are excited to share our passion of the world and it’s cultures with you! You can find our current retreats on the Purchase Courses and Retreats Page.
These events are held at our funky family friendly farm and Holistic Hostel deep in the woods of Lakemont GA, called Archaic Roots Monolithic Dome Home & Farm. A peaceful and free spirited 3.4 acre healing forest, packed full with multi-cultural fun! Feel free to play some of our indigenous instruments, build a faerie home in the woods, snuggle up with one of our therapeutic bunnies, or even find a fire-pit or outdoor altar that’s calling your name, and go relax by it- there’s plenty to explore and do around here! Camping on the grounds is free and indoor accommodations are available upon request or through Airbnb on the links below. We also allow some folks to sleep Thai Slumber Style inside the dome in common areas for donation based, just bring sleeping gear or an air mattress, and we’ll make room! The dome is two levels and there’s lots of space.
All food is done as “Bring & Share,” where we all bring a little something and make magic happen in the kitchen or over the fire! If you have dietary restrictions you are more than welcome to bring your own private food supply. Anything is fine to bring, it never fails! This builds a really fun connection We will also email a list of Bring & Share Suggestions in your registration email to make it easier. Can’t wait to connect!
Airbnb Links for our Guest Room and Primitive Artist Cabin
See you in the woods!
William and Amy
Special thanks to our Partners In Education