Event Marketing – Promotion
Strategic Planning – Fundraising

With over 15 years combined experience within the event industry ReciprociTree knows events, providing professional event planning, organizing, marketing, promotion and fundraising. We love to be involved in events that bring people together, inspire them, benefit the community, and or stimulate their minds.

Combining a team of talented business owners and a network of venues, artists/musicians, facilitators, practitioners, non-profits, volunteers, and other organizations; we form the ReciprociTree. This metaphorical tree and network of branches and roots has grown in the soil of reciprocity, and is essential for the event promotion and event management services we offer to the region.

What Does ReciprociTree Provide?

We plant, grow, prune, and harvest events like specialized farmers!

ReciprociTree can make or help make events awesome!

Event Marketing - Promotion - Strategic Planning - Fundraising

Providing services including event creation, strategic planning, management, marketing & promotion, and fundraising for events large and small. Our team specializes in unique events that combine multiple businesses and organizations with the goal of benefiting everyone involved.

These events can include classes, workshops, festivals, retreats, benefits and more! Whether you’re a venue, businesses owner, restaurant, organization, non-profit, or city/municipality, we can make a custom event for you! Or make your idea, special occasion, or holiday celebration a reality!

  • Create new events from scratch or provided concepts
  • Strategically plan and organize events
  • Fundraising targeting and promotions
  • Contract and or manage skilled providers, specialists, or volunteers for all aspects of event
  • Develop promotional aspects (logo, design, websites, ads)
  • Manage event promotions and marketing for all media formats (print, newspaper, web, radio, TV)
  • Management of event coordination and logistics; before, during and after each event

Event Marketing - Promotion - Strategic Planning - FundraisingWe can help conceive new events from scratch, strategically plan and organize, develop identity and promotional aspects (logo, design, websites, ads), manage event promotions and marketing, and much more! We start with the seed or your idea or requirements, plant that seed,  and our team and network help it grow into a strong and healthy event that nourishes everyone involved!