This year I had the most beautiful opportunity to read book one from the trilogy “After Ever After,” by Mindi Meltz. Mindi is an incredible author and artist, with a background in Jungian psychology, as well as creator of Animal Wisdom Cards. Anytime that Mindi has something new out, I have to get it… I can’t explain it, but I know I have to get it. Lol. And I never regret it either!
I’m pretty sure that I have all her books, also her decks of Animal Wisdom Cards. I’ve used sets as gifts as well, they truly are the perfect gifts. William and I had the honor of receiving the first personalized Couple’s Deck and it’s one of the greatest treasures that I have ever owned.
As you can see, I’m a big fan. LOL! We met at a mythological festival I was throwing a few years ago and I have treasured her as an author and artist ever since.
In her latest series called “After Ever After,” the first book is “The Ritual of Forgetting.” Recently, she came out with the second book which I just received and am BEYOND EXCITED to read, so I figured I would write about the first one and then when I finish the second, I can share a bit about that one as well.

From the first time I opened the package with the first book in it, my breath was taken away. Both the art and quality of the cover was so inviting, intriguing, and unbelievably beautiful. I was instantly captivated.
Chapter one lured me in like a siren’s song, and it became routine for me to read a chapter (or 5) in the bathtub each night. I found myself unable to wait for the day to end, just so I could get my reading time in.
I have not been so magnetized by words in a looooong time. Sometimes I hit up the bath at noon because I couldn’t bear the thought of not knowing . Live a little, you know?
Mindi’s writing is truly one of a kind and her words are as smooth as silk. Her imagery and descriptions are so incredibly vivid, captivating, and thought provoking, it’s just unbelievable to read.
Steeped in mythology, psychology, archetypes, life experiences we all have felt or experienced, she truly knows how to capture you in a whirlwind or emotion, suspense, and longing for more.
Each story is told from a place of familiarity, enriched with archetypal characters we all know in one way or another. Her cleverness truly never ceases to amaze me.
I could talk about her writing all day long but it is so enjoyable to just dive into, I strongly suggest the read! Both mind expanding and heart encompassing, I can guarantee you won’t regret the read! Enjoy!
Get ready for part two of the trilogy! “This Blood Means Life.”