“Women of the Woods,”
A Reconnection to the Earth
“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.”
-Henry David Thoreau
Join us for another 2019 Goddess Gathering, which is called the “Women of the Woods,” and limited to 15 women. Here we come together to celebrate homesteading, agriculture, world culture, historical goddesses, mythologies, self empowerment tools, and each other!
These are laid back, fun, and educational weekends where us gals can kick our shoes off and talk about all the wonderfully weird things going on in the world and our lives. We build friendships
We will be digging deep into our roots to learn more about the earth, ancestors, ancient wisdom, emotional guidance, and as always- diving into the worlds within worlds to find our personal healing. These are events designed for networking and skill sharing, so you are welcome to hop in and teach your skill for a discounted ticket, or you can take a weekend off, kick back, and soak up all the workshops for a regular price ticket. Whichever one suits your desired outcome for the weekend is fine by us.
Here we soar on the wings of ancient and archaic lessons of wisdom and truth, multicultural practices, and behavioral patterns to find our most innate and primal sense of self. We drum and sing with the vibrations of the universe. We walk barefoot through the woods while the trees tell us their stories. We learn about women’s stories of old, to help us create something new in our present lives. We stretch our bodies, treat our souls, awaken our minds….. And we create art that inspires us on our journey.
With this Goddess Gathering, we also allow Vending for any participants, if you have products you make or sell, even things you would like to trade, by all means bring a Sell & Trade Table or a Bartering Blanket to sell or trade goodies new and old! If you would like to bring a friend, you both will also get discounted tickets and save $20 each! If you would like to teach, please reach out so we can offer you a discount as well 🙂
Workshops and Topics Include:

The Wise Woman: Cultural Archetypes
Elemental Goddesses in History
Essential Oils
Homesteading: Companion Planting and Fermentation
Tincture Making
Homegrown Yoga- All Levels
Animism: Ancient Origins and Modern Day Beliefs
Earthing & Woods Walk Plant Identification
In The Beginning: Multicultural Creation Stories
Guardian Trees: Honoring the Ancestors
Natural Wreath Making & Other Natural Art Projects
Indigenous Instrument Presentation & Drum Circle
Other Workshops from facilitator attendees are updated as they come in!
So come and enjoy the woods for a weekend and make connections with other wonderful women! These particular events are designed for networking and skill sharing, so by all means either come share yours, or kick back and enjoy learning from others for the duration. Whatever energy you would like to carry for the weekend is great by us.
“This is the gift of humanity: that it is claimed by the self. None of us…are human unless and until we claim it for ourselves. But nothing can stop that claiming – not the eight million gods nor the spirits nor ghosts. Nothing but ourselves, anyway.
And our lives become the poems we were born to tell.”
― The Fox Woman
This event is held at our funky family friendly farm and Holistic Bed & Breakfast deep in the woods of Lakemont GA, called Archaic Roots Monolithic Dome Home & Farm. A peaceful and free spirited 3.4 acre healing forest, packed full with multi-cultural fun! Feel free to play some of our indigenous instruments, build a faerie home in the woods, snuggle up with one of our therapeutic bunnies, or even find a fire-pit or outdoor altar that’s calling your name, and go relax by it- there’s plenty to explore and do around here! Camping on the grounds is free and indoor accommodations are available upon request or through Airbnb on the links below. We also allow some folks to sleep Thai Slumber Style inside the dome in common areas for donation based, just bring sleeping gear or an air mattress, and we’ll make room! The dome is two levels and there’s lots of space.
All food is done as “Bring & Share,” where we all bring a little something and make magic happen in the kitchen or over the fire! If you have dietary restrictions you are more than welcome to bring your own private food supply. Anything is fine to bring, it never fails! This builds a really fun connection We will also email a list of Bring & Share Suggestions in your registration email to make it easier. Can’t wait to connect!
Airbnb Links for our Guest Room and Primitive Artist Cabin
See you in the woods!
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