Honoring the Earth with Sacred Dance

Our favorite part about the events we create (which is also the main reason we create them) would definitely be all the fascinating people that we get to meet! Healers, teachers, artists, dancers, and more, we encounter the most humble hearted and gracious folks through these gatherings to build community!



One of the incredible duo’s that we have come across that will be featured at The Faerie and Labyrinth Festival on April 14th at The Otto Labyrinth are Ariadne (Airia Anton) and Hrodwulf, which bring a very special and sacred practice into the mix. These two blessed souls are nomadic, mountain homesteaders who live life by the work of their hands. Aspiring to self-sufficiency, they grow and preserve their own food, cultivate and extract medicinal herbs, and live a semi-primitive lifestyle, following nature’s rhythms.


Ariadne’s calling is that of the Sacred Dancer, a spiritual, meditative manifestation of movement, and studies under the ancient practice of “belly dance” when it was used in matriarchal societies, as well as elements from other divine dance forms such as Sufi Dervishing, Indian Bharatanatyam, and Middle Eastern Zaar Trance Ritual.


She adopts cultural movements and practices from around the world, while also incorporating the art of prop manipulation and fire spinning into her craft. Ariadne uses her dance for storytelling and/or embodying a particular energy/archetype. Together with her drummer, partner Hrodwulf, a student of the Earth and Gaia’s heart-rhythm, also a primitive builder and tradesman; they live to bring Moksha “liberation” into the world.


Ariadne and Hrodwulf give offerings of a myth inspired dance performance “The Queen of Elphame”, a communal spiral dance, and an Intro to Sacred Dance workshop. This performance will be taking place throughout the day as well which will be on the schedule.

We are so very excited to have this wonderful pair grace the gathering with their presence, enthusiasm, and soulful wisdom. Thank you both for sowing yourselves into something beautiful on this special weekend!


For more info

Please visit: https://www.facebook.com/AriadneSacredDance/